Apr 19, 2007 23:48
this week has been the CRAZIEST week at uni so far. seriously C-R-A-Z-Y.
i just woke up. if not for a text message coming through my phone, i would have crashed right through till tomorrow morning. you see, when i told myself "I WILL FINISH MY MONEY & CAP ASSIGNMENT AND HAND IT IN TODAY", i did. to achieve this, i did not sleep last night. i just sat right through the night and morning. and when i say i will do it, i will. anyhoos, i went to uni today, completely zonked out. was restless during cost and financial management tute. amy had to nudge me awake in law lecture because i was dozing off without knowing i was asleep.
came back, got a quick bite because i was so hungry. then crashed from approximately 3.30 till 11.30pm. that was when i got awoken by an incoming text message from mommy.
i shocked the daylights out of myself today after i got back because i caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and i looked terribly PALE. so pale, it's scary.
now all i need to do is to clear the table of money & cap as well as cost info mess.
oh yes, i got a haircut today. got it trimmed because it was getting long, thick and unkempt.
okay i'm off, need to crash soon. i'm very very drained.
melbourne 2007