One Week Could Change Things

Feb 15, 2009 20:36

It was a little strange not sitting in Gallery West at my stipulated hour today but I've been having a flurry of text messages since last weekend so I've been perpetually having some sort of company 24/7. Then there's the (in Joey's words, which totally cracked me up when I read her text message) "Let's Rip Off Consumers and Cheapen Romance Day" weekend of which I must say I absolutely enjoyed. (:

Then there was today, post-vday and I went shopping for proper walkable shoes. Not that the shoes can walk on its own but towering in those killer heels at work has made my bunions worse and I've to stop. Hence I've resorted to Adidas casual shoes. Their flats are actually pretty fantastic. I saw this pair which comes in black and red many many seasons back but now I regret not buying them! And then I saw one of mommy's nice patent black bags which has the famous logo of interlocking Cs. It's one of my dream bags. The day will come when I own a few of those. This summer has made me such a shopper, seriously.

I'm pretty much done with packing. I have so much to bring back, I have no idea how did my assets multiply over summer. The clothes, shoes and bags. Enough to fill up one entire luggage just those alone. Let alone some household stuff and other essentials.

And to end off, I should just reflect over my entire summer break.

Work has been crazy as per usual. Workload extremely heavy and I worked long and hard. Colleagues werent exactly what I was expecting (in a not so good way) and it was a drag. Everyday I was looking forward to the weekend and the only thing which kept me sane was going to visit God every weekend and a shopping trip as a cherry on top of the ice-cream.

Due to work, I had an almost non-existent social life. Other than meeting a special few, the rest had to book in an appointment when I get back to Melbourne. But with thanks to technology, I could constantly stay connected to those special few and virtually have company with me even if I'm having a terrible day at the office. The company I had over the past week was more than I could ask for, really. I wouldnt have caught Bride Wars if not for good company.

For 2009, i really want to be living the life God has called me to and to be stronger, to stand up and face those enemies and having the courage to say yes to the right things and no to the wrong. 2009, it will be legend-wait-for-it-dary. (:

shoes, singapore 2009, packing, bags, clothes, summer break

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