Anyone been to Portland?

Jul 25, 2008 11:46

The Captain and I should win some kind of award for laziest vacation planning. We burned about 15 calories a few months ago deciding that I should keep the BC Day long weekend as a holiday by not accepting any gigs. "We'll go somewhere," we thought.

Now that weekend is coming up pretty soon. In fact, it's next weekend. As of yesterday, we were still entertaining a trip to San Francisco, but it turns out it's pretty expensive to book last-minute plane tickets. Who knew? A simple trip to Powell River is still an option, and a pretty seductive one at that, since loads of our dear friends will be up there that weekend, with blackberries, family to feed us and lakes to swim in.... but now that we've considered the opportunity to go somewhere else for a change, we're kind of excited about it.

As of about 2am this morning, we are considering going to Portland, Oregon on the merits that we can drive there in 6 hours. Portland strikes some excitement for me because I've been reading about its new streetcars, and have a burning desire to ride them and see how they work, both because something like that might one day work for Vancouver and because I have an total crush on european-style trams. I do, however, recognize that a weekend spent riding the aerial tram and exploring the downtown Transit Mall may not qualify as a romantic vacation in and of itself.

So - have YOU been to Portland? Any recommendations for good stuff to see or cheap places to stay?

Portland Attractions Discovered So Far

Saturday market
Walking tours
Hoyt Arboretum Trails & trees...
Japanese Garden"

I bet we could easily find a concert or film to go see on Saturday night...

And Hey! - This will be the weekend of Portland's Hottest Day of the Year Ride a giant 15-mile urban critical-mass style bike ride which ends in beer, ice cream and an optional water fight.

I will run all this by the Captain when he gets home Sunday night from the madness in Pemberton.
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