One Local Summer Dinner #3, State of the Tomatoes

Jun 22, 2008 22:25

Wednesday's trip to the farmer's market brought the wonderful discovery that the local harvest has grown much more diverse over the last week - now so much more than potatoes, carrots and leafy greens.

This week's local dinner featured pan-fried zucchini and (greenhouse-grown) red pepper, which Zach was inspired to enhance by breading in an egg and some long-distance flour and breadcrumbs. This was really successful, achieving the tastiness of breading without the typical oiliness of the deep-fried breaded veggies you get in restaurants.
The ever-present dish of potatoes was dressed up a little with the green onions that continue to thrive obscenely on my balcony. We also had a salad made with lettuce from the bounty of the lovely Rain City Gardener's yard, cute little cherry tomatoes and the year's first, very tasty local strawberries.

Here's Zach about to dig in:

Speaking of food, the tomato plants on the balcony have been really digging the past few days of sunshine. It's mind-blowing how a few days of sunshine affected them. They went from looking wimpy and pathetic after a long stretch of rain to clambering vigourously up their wire supports. There are lots of yellow flowers, so I'm getting hopeful for some fresh salsa at the end of all this.
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