Wowee you're mixing up tons of things here. First, we have a right to complain and no amount of starving Ethiopians can invalidate that right. Second, should we not complain? Just sit here and say "Well, we're mostly rich. Why bitch about the greedy lying bastards raping our country from the inside out?" Or "Well, I shouldn't complain about Bush erasing Iraq because I've got Coca-Cola and Friends is on"? Would you say to a starving citizen of a third-world country "Well, you shouldn't complain, really, because you still have the use of all your arms and legs ... not like all the invalids in the world." ?
Yes, I think it sucks that there is world hunger. And yes, eating meat HURTS world hunger. It takes about sixteen pounds of grain and soy to produce one pound of meat. We also lose about thirty-five pounds of topsoil for every pound of beef produced. Further, forty thousand pounds of potatoes can be produced with the same amount of land that produces 250 pounds of feedlot beef. And it takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of feedlot beef. To produce an equivalent amount of potatoes, it takes only takes twenty-four gallons of water.
Yes I think the distribution of wealth is appalling and that the people who control the wealth are only interested in taking more wealth from everybody else. I think it's deplorable that our President has raped the environment and we, the most developed country in the world right now, are not properly leading the world in the search for alternative energy sources, zero-emissions vehicles, and the like. It's unnerving that we just march into Iraq, without the consent of the U.N. and nobody does a thing to stop us. That's power. If Iraq marched into Kuwait without the consent of the U.N. ... well, that's a different story altogether.
So, as I see it, we have a great responsibility to use the massive amounts of resources and technology we have accumulated to better the world we live in and not just to accumulate more. And no I don't think either of the presidential candidates embodies that dream. And yes, I will bitch about it and find ways, if there are any, to try and change it.
I found a zero-emissions vehicle (not counting production). I pedal it every day to work. Not meaning to argue with your post, I just don't understand why alternative transportation proponents always seem to think that we need to make cars with new technology instead of using cheap, simple, healthy technology we already have.
Not to be flippant, but a bicycle won't deliver a truckload of bicycle parts around the city. Nor will a bicycle transport firemen quickly to a blaze (local fires excepted), or carry enough water / supplies. Nor will a bicycle transport emergency patients to the hospital.
Also, there are parts of the country where a bicycle is impractical. Up north is one good example. If you tried to ride your bike, you'd first freeze, then get when you DID slip and slide on the ice, you'd be road pizza because you don't have a thick metal (okay, plastic) suit wrapped around you.
And zero-emissions technology has further reaching effects than just your average passenger car. Jet engines, turbines at an eletric plant, construction equipment, busses (mass transportation is eco friendly too!), and almost anything that uses a variation of the gasoline combustion engine.
Besides that, biking is impractical for a lot of people. For example, they might live 30 miles away from work (quite common), or they might have injuries that prevent them from using a bicycle, or they might work in a profession which doesn't allow for the extra time to pedal, like a doctor. Or simply they may want to spend more time with their family and pedaling takes that time away from them.
Biking is a great alternative in a lot of situations, but it requires certain sacrifices from certain people. I, for one, would LIKE to start biking, however, it's so far down on the priority list that I'm not even bothering to entertain the idea right now.
I'm just curious ... is "zero-emissions vehicle" all you got out my post?
I didn't say that I didn't want a ride in the ambulance if I need it. I just said that a lot of alternative transportation advocates don't even mention the bike, even though it could replace a lot of car driving in cities, and bikes are cheap, plentiful, healthy, and simple to understand the mechanics yourself. If only the people who were making short trips and were in good health rode bikes instead of driving, a lot of air emissions, and lives of pedestrians, would be saved. Believe me, I've heard your argument before, many times. I know bikes can't work for everything, but there's a lot more that they can work for than they're being used for now. (Sam and I are moving by bike in 2 weeks--we're hauling a bunch of stuff about 1/2 mile on trailers.) And your last question--no.
I've hauled several hundred pounds of bike locks by tallbike. I've hauled 8-10 bikes on the same trailer with a cruiser. I've moved my queen-size bed twice by bike. Our landlords to be moved a washer and dryer by bicycle. You can do more than you ever thought possible with a good bike and a good trailer.
I envy your skill with bikes (in operation, maintenance, and good urban practice). I do not posess these skills. Also, I can't really show up to work sweaty from a bike ride or soaking wet from rain. It's difficult to learn how to bike when you either need to have enough skills to get around, or have the resources to suck learn those skills. Right now I'm not good, nor do I have the resources.
Also, here, things are quite spread out and not bike friendly at all. I'm sure it's possible, but it would take a high caliber biker to ride out here (and, actually, I have not seen one biker since I've been here).
Personally, I've been discovering what a joy it is to walk. The world seems so much more connected and beautiful when you're taking your time. I say hi to people I meet. I have time to think. It's wonderful....
I agree with you whole heartedly. Walking is magnificent. Would you believe it, though, there aren't any crosswalks or sidewalks in my city? That annoys me. I could get around quite easily in Marquette by just walking. Here though, it's not as easy.
funny how that works. I don't tend to walk very often. Even though you notice a lot more on a bike than you do in a car, because you're more directly involved in your environment, it's multiplied quite a bit when you're on foot.
neither of us are trying to put you down or imply anything negative. I personally was responding to the truck o' bike parts bit of your statement. There are things that cars are useful/needed for, I don't deny that. I firmly believe that too many people rely on them for too many things, especially here in Chicago.
Yes, I think it sucks that there is world hunger. And yes, eating meat HURTS world hunger. It takes about sixteen pounds of grain and soy to produce one pound of meat. We also lose about thirty-five pounds of topsoil for every pound of beef produced. Further, forty thousand pounds of potatoes can be produced with the same amount of land that produces 250 pounds of feedlot beef. And it takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of feedlot beef. To produce an equivalent amount of potatoes, it takes only takes twenty-four gallons of water.
Yes I think the distribution of wealth is appalling and that the people who control the wealth are only interested in taking more wealth from everybody else. I think it's deplorable that our President has raped the environment and we, the most developed country in the world right now, are not properly leading the world in the search for alternative energy sources, zero-emissions vehicles, and the like. It's unnerving that we just march into Iraq, without the consent of the U.N. and nobody does a thing to stop us. That's power. If Iraq marched into Kuwait without the consent of the U.N. ... well, that's a different story altogether.
So, as I see it, we have a great responsibility to use the massive amounts of resources and technology we have accumulated to better the world we live in and not just to accumulate more. And no I don't think either of the presidential candidates embodies that dream. And yes, I will bitch about it and find ways, if there are any, to try and change it.
I hope I have addressed your concerns.
Also, there are parts of the country where a bicycle is impractical. Up north is one good example. If you tried to ride your bike, you'd first freeze, then get when you DID slip and slide on the ice, you'd be road pizza because you don't have a thick metal (okay, plastic) suit wrapped around you.
And zero-emissions technology has further reaching effects than just your average passenger car. Jet engines, turbines at an eletric plant, construction equipment, busses (mass transportation is eco friendly too!), and almost anything that uses a variation of the gasoline combustion engine.
Besides that, biking is impractical for a lot of people. For example, they might live 30 miles away from work (quite common), or they might have injuries that prevent them from using a bicycle, or they might work in a profession which doesn't allow for the extra time to pedal, like a doctor. Or simply they may want to spend more time with their family and pedaling takes that time away from them.
Biking is a great alternative in a lot of situations, but it requires certain sacrifices from certain people. I, for one, would LIKE to start biking, however, it's so far down on the priority list that I'm not even bothering to entertain the idea right now.
I'm just curious ... is "zero-emissions vehicle" all you got out my post?
I envy your skill with bikes (in operation, maintenance, and good urban practice). I do not posess these skills. Also, I can't really show up to work sweaty from a bike ride or soaking wet from rain. It's difficult to learn how to bike when you either need to have enough skills to get around, or have the resources to suck learn those skills. Right now I'm not good, nor do I have the resources.
Also, here, things are quite spread out and not bike friendly at all. I'm sure it's possible, but it would take a high caliber biker to ride out here (and, actually, I have not seen one biker since I've been here).
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