a bit late........ and I might have posted this before.

Sep 23, 2004 09:17

Holy fuck. I'm sure most of ya'll won't be nearly as into this as I am, but The Gray Album by Dj Dangermouse is FUCKING AMAZING!!!! It's a mashup of Jay Z's the Black Album and The Beatles' The White Album. This shit is DEAD on. The Black Album is growing on me anyway, but this way is just nuts. Take a listen. You'll never listen to either ( Read more... )

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stripyourpsyche September 23 2004, 07:58:21 UTC
wow dude that stuff has been around forever.
look at jay-zeezer.com if its still around.
this kid made the black and blue album.
he mixed jay-z's black album with weezer's blue album.
i actually think i like it better.


treechunk September 23 2004, 08:15:23 UTC
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. I know it's been around forever. I just re-discovered it. OOOOOOH, thanks for the linkey!


stripyourpsyche September 23 2004, 08:18:01 UTC
oooo did you see my moped?


treechunk September 23 2004, 08:29:45 UTC
awww shit yeah!


stripyourpsyche September 23 2004, 08:58:15 UTC
its from 1977 its russian!
im going to name it stella


treechunk September 23 2004, 09:05:26 UTC
supah sweet! does it run?


stripyourpsyche September 23 2004, 09:10:39 UTC
yes it does


treechunk September 23 2004, 08:36:29 UTC
does it run?


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