(In the Group Health class for living with chronic conditions, people who are good at gathering and distributing resources are known as "naturals". I like that.)
Despite many recommendations, I have not pursued acupuncture for my metabolic disorder because of the huge barrier of expense.
Then an acupuncturist we know very firmly referred me to Dr. Wang, who has started a Chinese-based "community-style" acupuncture clinic on Queen Anne with a sliding scale starting at $15. I went in today; Dr. Wang was very compassionate and thorough, the atmosphere simple and incredibly restful, and I look forward to going again.
The website, photos of the clinic, and contact information is at
http://greenpointacupuncture.net/default.aspx .
A nice article about the clinic with a picture of Dr. Wang is at
http://www.queenannenews.com/main.asp?SectionID=26&SubSectionID=339&ArticleID=30111 Please pass this on at your descretion.
Love always,
-- T