Jun 10, 2009 08:38
I had a piece of scrap paper listing things I wanted to get done yesterday when I got home, but then I left it at work! I was able to remember some of the things noted and get them done though. Yay me. :)
I was thinking this morning that it sucks that beside the hours I have to spend at work, I spend about another 4 either traveling to work, getting ready for work, or making lunch/snacks to take to work. Over half my day is devoted in one way or another to my job (which I hate BTW). Blah!
On the home front, we still don't have a kitchen, living room or dining room. My brothers are supposed to be working on this while I'm at work, but when I get home, nothing seems to be done! Middle older brother (MOB) owns the house, but has had his work hours cut to almost zero and can't afford to keep it anymore. Younger older brother (YOB) doesn't work at all and hasn't for years. This is an issue, but even though MOB talks to him about it, he also enables him like crazy. Right now, I'm the only one working full time and even if I handed over every penny I make, it wouldn't be enough to pay the mortgage, more or less the other bills. With my own debts, I couldn't do that anyways. I could probably juggle stuff to pay more, but since it really wouldn't help, that isn't being considered as an option.
The only real option right now is to sell the house. In order to make it ready for market, we are doing some renovations, starting with the downstairs. Because I'm working, my help is limited, but it wasn't supposed to matter because MOB and YOB are home all day every day and were going to be working their butts off to get it done. Over a month after tearing just three rooms down, nothing is finished. This is only 1/4 of the house. MOB wanted the house on the market in June. I'll be amazed if it is done in 2009.
There are also no plans about what is going to happen after (if) the house sells. Part of me likes living with them and doesn't want to give that up, but part of me is ready to be alone in my own place that I can make completely mine, instead of just a bedroom and a bathroom. Don't get me wrong, my stuff has migrated to other rooms in the house, but mostly it is just being stored there. I would like to take all my stuff out and decorate multiple rooms with it. But, I also like being able to come home and talk to my brothers about stuff, but they also drive me crazy some days with their bullshit and MOB's over reaction to anything/everything that goes even slightly wrong. I won't miss him screaming at the top of his lungs over dropping a fucking piece of paper on the floor. Sigh... I just don't know and am leaving my mind open until I really need to choose. One thing I do know, whatever happens, I'm going to be spending more money for rent than I'm paying MOB now. If the three of us end up somewhere together, I'm not going to be paying more and letting YOB continue to freeload.