Sep 18, 2007 12:34
Cue live journal war about religion.
Three things that should never be talked about are love, religion and politics. Im about to talk about all three.....briefly.
Love: sucks. "Whats you're problem area?" "Me."
Religion: Is whatever you want it to be. When you become a citizen, they ask you to bring your holy book of choice. if i had to become a citizen again, i would bring The Bell Jar. lol.
Politics: Stairway to Kevin, and if Howard gets in again, I will be MEGA annoyed. Rudd is just a better thing for our country. A leader that can speak mandarin? Do you understand what it will do for our economic links to China?!
In other news..
We have a demo!
You dont have to be a member of myspace to hear it.
Um.. the end.