best email in all of history. i wish everyone had someone to say these kinds of things to them.

Jan 16, 2012 17:59

i heart you with thousands of loving hearts and arms to concentually hug you with, millions of arms.
you are a thriver and even if i'm a shitty emailer while away (guilt! bleh!) i still think about you alllll the time and am inspired and am in love with our friendship and with our invisible strings through distance, timezones, whateveah

when i'm back round, maybe we can figure out some sort of low cost multi day trip to process and learn and share and grow and be in the sun and shade and read too. maybe watch movies and play video games.
you're great, and even if you don't always feel that way, or even if you realized you've done something shitty and have called yourself on it or are in the process of it, or even if you're tired and have millions of lists of things to do, you're still super awesomely great.
and i love you.
have a fabulous day jessica!
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