Oct 25, 2010 11:55
yesterday afternoon zack and i tackled the harrowing-as-usual task of purchasing my groceries. feeding myself has been a pretty stressful activity for various reasons that i don't really wanna get into right now for pretty much my entire life. i come home from superstore haggard every time.
we were walking toward the steps to the courtyard of my apartment, zack in front with the groceries, me trailing behind, and suddenly i was struck by this weird, enveloping sense of vulnerability that i sometimes get without warning. i flitted up closer to zack and hugged his back for comfort, and that was the moment when it happened:
a couple of assholes in a car pulled up next to us, stopped, took a picture of us, laughed, and drove off.
i am sure this moment, something that i felt was pretty intimate and private, is now on the internet somewhere, where people are saying terrible and dehumanizing things about us. awesome. just fucking rules. whatever, we're not actually real people - it's totally cool to just go on and take our picture without our permission, we're totally hilarious just by virtue of existing, right? I'M TOTALLY BUYING MY GROCERIES AND TAKING THEM HOME FOR YOUR AMUSEMENT, YOU GUYS. HOLY FUCK, THOSE FAT PEOPLE EAT!!
i am really angry and sad and feeling so emotionally bruised by this. it's awful and mean and there really is nothing i can do about it, is there? terrible.