Flood #4

Jul 13, 2009 10:19

Not an update about previous floods.
This small furry animal should not have crept out from cover the other day. It was not safe and the flood animal has me once again in its jaws.

Flood #4 is essentially from the same overhead pipe in the bathroom as flood #2. It's just popped in a new place, is all. We're now leaking semi-directly over the toilet and there a fine mist from the (ventilation box up there) which is misting the tub near the shower head.

On a scale of how bad from 1(awful) to 4( eh), this rates --so far -- a 3.

All for now they will be returning shortly.

I sincerely hope.

p.s. Ironic--due to go to therapist today, and talk about floods, etc.

flood, bathroom overhead pipe

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