Catching up -- Aug 26-28
8. The end of two AOLs. Its return. About the time (Tuesday) I had grown used to having access to AOL vers 6 and AOL vers 10 simultaneously, vers 6 up and disappeared.
I freaked briefly. I've been saving some semi-important emails in vers 6 since the desktop crashed.
Shortly after panic set in, I remembered that I reached vers 6 via dial-up and that the line-in to the laptop came from the -Verizon- phone jack. Evidently Comcast had contacted Verizon with some version of, "Nah! Nah! We just stole this phone number from you!" and Verizon had reacted by stopping service to the number. Poor losers.
Anyway, I got out the two splitters Demaris and I had gone after at Best Buy... Okay, we only went there after ONE splitter. Picky! Picky!
I found the two splitters I had picked up since I wasn't sure which I needed. After some hemming, hauling, hawing(?), and general confusion I chose one of them and attached it between Comcast's external high speed cable modem and the laptop inline slot. Presto! Back to the two versions of AOL, and access to all of my files.
Some day, once the desktop issue is resolved, I've got to combine these files. I am not looking forward to it!
9. Earthbow's missing scene. Ack! Suffice it to say, that a scene I inserted into Earthbow about two months ago may no longer exist. "M.D." is currently reading the manuscript. When I sent him that section, I naturally glanced through what I had sent and noticed a gap in the narrative as I remembered it. Hardly a surprise since the only version I have access to on the laptop hasn't been revised since 2002 at the latest. (M.D. actually had to send -me- the most recent version of the first few chapters.)
The missing scene may have been captured during my last save to a thumb drive before the desktop crashed but currently I have no way to verify that. Can you believe that I still don't know for sure what I have and lost since the desktop drive bit it on July 12th?
Re the Earthbow scene, I can and obviosly will rewrite it. Unfortunately, I've discovered that "replacement scenes" never seem as strong as the originals in situations like this.
10. Progress (regress?) on my readings for my first meeting with my spiritual director. I'm still working my way through Willimon's 120 page "United Methodist Beliefs". I could be doing worse: I haven't actually forgotten -everything- I've read so far. ;-) Seriously, I'm concerned because I'm making such slow headway with all of the books I wanted to check through before my first meeting.
As I've said a few dozen times in this blog, I'm a slow reader. I've developed an additional and perplexing problem in the last few years--just plain reluctance to read! To be accurate, it's not exactly a reluctance & it doesn't involve just reading. I have trouble getting started listening to music, watching a film on DVD or picking up a book. I wake up and plan the day with every expectation of reading or whatever, and then seem to hit a wall. All of this is probably related to depression--depression makes it nearly ijmpossible to begin doing anything--but knowing the most probable explanation doesn't make it any easier to get going.
This is all so unlike my personality and tastes for most of the decades of my life it's crazy-making. (No wise remarks, there!)
11. A Coinherence List member has ordered Seabird. Which pretty much says it all. I had hopes when Seabird first saw print that several people on the Coinherence (re Inkling, Charles Williams) List might take an interest in reading my book. No one has to date or, if they have, they've never said anything abot it. Maybe a couple of members did and hated it. Anyway, I naturally made use of some of the concepts espoused by Charles Wiliams in my book since I believe in what he wrote about them. I had been hoping to get some feedback about the passages. Not so much to date.
Getting back to the positive side, someone on the list wrote to me and said they had ordered the book! I'm thrilled. I wrote back to them and said so. Now the wait.
12. Archvillains. Ford Prefect. Someone (who may or may not have the moniker "Kibble") here at LJ took the Archvillain Test and passed on his results, so naturally I had to take the test myself. More on my results in a separate post.
Ford Prefect? What I scored when I followed a link to a Hitchhiker's Guide/Douglas Adams Test.(more later)
13. Hudlooms. This latest Nigerian scam letter is a riot. Evidently one of the scammers is trying to eliminate her competition by warning her marks to watch out for the hudlooms out to deceive them.
"Hudlooms-the best parts" follows. (Ooh! Look at me! I did my first LJ cut. I hope.)
FROM THE DESK OF: Alhaja Waziri
On the order of the president as a mark of his reconciliation and image laundering exercise toward sanitizing the battered image of the federal republic of Nigeria abroad. ... many abnormalities had happened in the Central Bank of Nigeria and Union Bank of Nigeria where some top official of the apex Bank collaborate with imposters and abandon our contractor half way with levies and taxes. ... with the assistance of some (Union Bank of Nigeria) Officials, of whom most of them are presently under our custody and will face prosecution under section 35A sub section 1-2-4 of the criminal code of Nigeria, pending on when we finish with our investigation. ...
You are advised to stop any further communication with ...any officials (s) department of the CBN or Union Bank or any Government parastatal. ... the people that have extorted money from you illegally and i wish to list them so that you will personally indicate them by writting back because ...we must surely deal and bring this names to book if only you will indicate correctly any of them.
The names of the Touts that have been arrested are as follows:
1)Dr.ken in U S A 2) PROF CHARLES SOLODO 3) CHIEF JOSEPH SANUSI 4)DR. R.RASHEED 5) MR FALOLU NIYI -- ZENITH BANK NIGERIA PLC 6)BARRISTER UCHEUZO WILLIAMS. 7) MR JOHN NWAEZE -- UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA 8)Mr. Ernest Chukwudi Ebi 9)MR MARK JAMES/ FOR WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER 10) Mr. Tunde Lemo Deputy Governor - Financial Sector Surveillance / Board Member 11)MR CUPPA ACOKA. --- FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA. 12)Mrs. W. D. A. Mshelia Deputy Governor - Corporate Services / Board Member
The above listed names are been traced/investigated by our team and some of them have elope the country ... We applogise on behalf of the President and the good citizens of Nigeria for any delay and lost this most have coursed you and promise that such thing will not happen again.And if you are dealing with any one of them regarding this payment we urge you to STOP because you are taking a big risk and you never find your money are advice not to accept any fax or telephone calls that does not come from this office.
Best regards,
MRS Alhaja Waziri