People are leaving multiple spammish comments after some of my entries--"Multiple" as in between 6 and 100--forcing me to increase blog security. Please do respond to my entries anyway! I love comments! Just sign your comment with a name, avatar handle, etc. LJ's software notifies me immediately when there's a screened comment. Since I'm on the
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Everyone liked the cover with the wood at the top & bottom. Once I realized there was no challenge to the original game, I added a third "contestant". What do you think?
How are things going? Where to begin...
Preparing THT for publication is taking longer than expected. I should have known better. One reason for this, on the plus side, I've found a few more writings to add to my collection. Having a blast going through my files and finding pieces I had forgotten existed. Naturally, a couple made me wish they didn't exist. Blush! I'm also having great fun tweaking the artwork for the book. I could do that for hours! Actually, I -do- do that for hours.
On the "minus" side, I mentioned "creative differences" in my email to you guys -and- I'm asking for advice about the book cover. 'Nuff said.
My other "minus"--I keep losing G&B beta readers as fast as new ones sign on. People keep having ..."work" thingies & ..."family" thingies & ..."health" thingies. Strange.
Khiva, the previously scaredy-cat Siamese, whines her head off most mornings because she wants to sit in my lap. It's then my duty to plead with her to come up. Vartha, the rescued long-haired black cat, has me well trained. If the tv tray near the computer happens to be empty, Vartha jumps on it, thereby obligating me to perform a full body massage until she says otherwise. Them's the rules.
Not news to me but perhaps to you: my opthamologist told me she saw traces of AMD almost two years ago. I'm doing the delaying action stuph: salmon, kale, dark berries, orange veggies, plus all three omegas, lutein & zeaxanthin. And I've become a celebrity-in-disguise with my floppy anti-UV wide-brimmed hat & wrap-around glasses. Fighting the good fight every day & doing remarkably well so far, thank God!
Should'a sent all this in an email, huh? Oh, well. ;D
Write back! I'd love to hear from you! Have a great Holiday! SherryT
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