Nov 11, 2005 16:58
I dont know I dont really update anymore.
Lifes been good.
Today was effing CRAZY. Okay like so me and heather had a substitute bus driver and not only did I already know that she was crazy because I had her last year SHE IS EVEN WORSE! First we almost got into an accident with another car then when we were almost to old 37 she slamed on breaks and turned to bus around to go back to shcoll because we were "disrespectful". So like were all bitching then she sees cops on the side on the road by scott lake on 540 and pulls over, she kicks andrew, lee, and mason off of the bus and made them go talk to the cops and then tried emily but then heather stood up for her saying "she didnt even do anything" and got kicked off to the cops then I was like what the heck heather didnt do anything either and she kicked me off the bus to the cops and like I was on my cell phone trying to get ahold of someone to come and get me and she ws like what are you doing on your phone on the bus? I was like i am trying to get a hold of someone to come and get me because your crazy. So yea it was defently VERY interesting. Blah. CRAZY