Nov 18, 2009 12:07
So I've looked at the discharge data that we collected and it looks pretty good. Even with a mere six points for each site a very nice trendline is apparent. Looks like creating a stage-discharge rating curve is going to be less complicated than other issues.
I looked at the data from our continuous water level monitors as well as our rain gauge. Only data from one water level monitor actually downloaded, and it shows data for only a week out of the past month. The rain gauge shows many many hits on November 1st and then none after that - I should have seen some around the 1st, but then a whole lot on the 10th, 11th, and 12th.
If there were any other objectives of this project beyond monitoring I practically can't remember what they were. A stream restoration maybe? A watershed restoration plan? This project has been plagued by so many kinds of stupid I'm going to need a taxonomist to help me sort it all out.