OoC: Application

Dec 02, 2008 22:43

Player's Name: Alex
Player LJ: Demonicfangs
AIM or Email: Shiroishiroi / Alzz13[@]hotmail[dot]com
Timezone: Eastern
Other Characters Played (at Template): Amber [Original] (letsdo_timewarp), Cheng Xiaoshi [Original] (jiuweixiao), Rita Mordio [Original] (rupicolous)

Character: Martel Yggdrasil
Series/Fandom: Tales of Symphonia (Timeline! Really, -4000 years to Symphonia. Her characterization and parts of her history come from Tales of Fandom 2 scenes)
Original or Template version: Original

Age: Around her early to mid twenties
Gender: Female
Species: TREE SP--- Half-elf
Sexuality: STRAIGHT, she’s engaged

Link to picture/PB of character: http://namco-ch.net/talesoffandom2/character/martel.php

Appearance: Martel has long light green hair with short bangs in the front and two bits of hair resting on her shoulders. She has green eyes. Her outfit consists of a sort of short black shawl with different lengths, longest in the back. She wears a long dress, that’s mostly green at the top with long white sleeves and a white skirt. Her shoes are really more like white slippers and she normally carries a staff with her. Her staff is plain white with a green gem at the top and green wings sprouting from the gem. She is a healer after all.

Personality: Martel is probably the most optimistic person ever~ She never let's anything really get her down and she always looks for the best in people and on the brighter side of life. She believes there is good in everyone and everything. She cares greatly about the world and the life around her but most importantly her younger brother, Mithos. Growing up the two of them were poorly treated because of their half-elven blood. But somehow, that never got Martel down and she never once hated other people for it. In a way she has a bit of an stubborn, naïve, ignorance to her reactions. Since she’d never think anyone could ever be so heartless as to harm another. Maybe they just didn’t know better? Or at least that’s how Martel will believe it.

Because Martel has always been a little on the weak side she has a thing for worrying people when she never means to. If anything is wrong she will deny it and claim things are fine. The last thing this girl wants is for others to panic over her health or slow people down. In a way, she sort of sees herself as a burden in that aspect. People should worry about the greater situation, not her.

All in all she’s a very giving, loving person.

Abilities/Strengths: As a half-elf Martel can use magic. Though really she only focuses on healing others rather than harming them. (How fitting!) Her personality can be both a frustration and a gift. She’ll never get herself down and always, always think positive! So she’s rather good at cheering others up and makes sure everyone around her keeps up their hopes.

Weaknesses: She’s a bit sickly and weak. Though it’s hard to say how much, what is clear is that she does overexert herself rather often which ultimately causes her to cough or even faint though that’s probably less likely to happen. As I said in the strengths part, her gift is also a problem. Despite her in constant high hopes it’s also a bit of an annoyance to others. Mostly because she’d never believe that people can just be … bad sometimes and is more than stubborn in that sense. She’s also TERRIBLY naïve. More problems.

History: This part I can’t be certain on many things. What is definitely clear revolves around closer to the time of her death. Martel was supposedly murdered as is stated in Symphonia. Though the Seraphim only speak of her passing briefly on some cases we can muster out that she was murdered by a supposed companion who was immediately killed by one of the Seraphim after betraying them. Prior to her death things get a bit fuzzy on certain aspects.

Martel grew up in Ozette (Mithos claims it to be his home when the Symphonia crew first meets his… younger form), her parents passing when her and her younger brother were young, she pretty much raised herself and Mithos on her own. Events before the Kharlan War are also uncertain. So skipping to the War…

While the rulers were using absurd amounts of Mana and killing the world by using their high-tech magitechnology, Martel and her companions Yuan (another half-elf), Kratos (A knight and noble from Meltokio), and her younger brother worked to stop the mana depletion and hopefully preserve the world. Needless to say they couldn’t save the Great Kharlan Tree that produced the world’s Mana and other methods were used to preserve life on their planet. Before the methods were put into action Martel died. Her dying wish being for everyone to be treated equally and rid the world of the terrible racism that hung over half elves.

Though there are still some things that occurred that I just don’t know the timing of. What can be said is that Martel and Yuan met prior to the Great Kharlan War. When they became engaged, I have no idea. It could have been before the War or during.

She’ll be taken from right after her death. So before Mithos goes bonkers! -4000 years in Symphonia’s timeline.

for information purposes, ooc, application

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