Jesus, does anyone?

May 14, 2014 23:58

Absolute downer alert, Had completely forgotten about that post.
That's what two depressing films after a hard day can do to you. I was actually envious of all the anti-heroes just because they had a sense of purpose. That purpose being to kill, steal and swindle.
Erm yeah, no.
Currently trying to convert all of the photoshop documents that I created on this computer into tiff files on Emily's computer. Absolute time suck but I think it will be worth it in the end. It's the rest of my portfolio that I'm not looking forward to cleaning up. No thanks. For real.
I have to redraw my favourite piece and I'm well aware that I'll destroy it in the process. So yep, I'm gonna have fun with that one.
I don't know what else to say, I really feel the need to detract from my previous post, but my life is entirely about work rn. I think my housemates are hoping to have a bbq at the weekend, which is unlikely to happen, but they can go ahead. Also, I'm invited to a webcam wedding, which I can comfortably say I've never experience before. A girl who used to work here has gone back to the States, South Carolina I think, and invited us all to her wedding. Which obviously we can't attend in person. Ergo, Webcam Wedding.
I want to go, but at the same time, a wedding is usually long, and I don't have the time to waste away from work. I also can't exactly bring my work along with me because that's rude, and I can't leave halfway through because that's even worse. Right?
What a Nelly and Kelly.
Two weeks, Friday, till the deadline for my final major project and lemme tell ya, I'm not quite ready for this to all end. Being a Uni student, even one who doesn't take advantage of the social opportunities presented, is pretty much the bomb. And I know that the second that I hand my final work in, Responsibility is gonna come smashing through the wall and suckerpunch me. Like, 8 times in a row.
Jobs and housing and bills and things that don't have student discount and

but really, art, shut up already, poonam game

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