If I'm going to drive an hour to fuck a teacher, it will NOT be missionary thats for damn sure.

Jan 08, 2012 23:01

Keep thinking my screen has gone blurry, but it's just smudges on my faux rims. No shame here.

Well, I'm back at the flat now, along with two of my flatmates (probably Steph and Sophia), so how do I greet them?
I'll tell you.

I don't.
I've just shut myself in my room, as is correct procedure for all social ponies! :D
To be honest, I can't really deal with the fact that they're messing with my plans for the night, but then I almost spoilt it for myself anyway. So here I am, watching the trains go by the window, refusing to take my empty bowl of dinner back to the kitchen, which, by the way, I decided to eat with chopsticks apropos of nothing because I'm effing wacky like that.
So my plans were
-finish the bottle of rose that I sort of smuggled back in a jumper
-watch my new Russell Howard DVD.
-post something
-pass out? (negotiable)

Because I've discovered that there's no better way to get a homey feeling than to drink a little wine and then interact with my laptop in an intensely funny way.
That doesn't make a lot of sense, but honestly IT DOES.
Trouble is, I forgot about drinking my wine because I was too busy laughing myself sick, so now I'm not very tipsy. But in the end it's worked out fine anyway, because Russell makes you laugh at stupid things anyway and I've carried on drinking now.



While I was uploading those to edit I came across this evil little prompt, which I have never seen before. I mean WHAT??

Why so violent?

icons, i just felt like it

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