Chicken Hug. No Snorkling Area

Nov 04, 2011 15:18

Just saw a black ladybird with red spots, I'm pretty sure those ones are the Odlaws of the ladybird world.

I got a lot of love for Ash Roth right now, he makes me happy, he's pretty much the less aggressive version of Eminem
---(who makes me quite angry at the moment, I mean come on who writes the lyrics "Had a dream I was king. I woke up; still king" and expects to not be considered to be an asshole?!)---
Also a regained some hardcore amore for N*E*R*D, who never really lost it to be honest, but listening to their album Seeing Sounds...yeah it's quite nice. Especially 'Yeah You' 'Spaz' 'Anti Matter' 'Sooner or Later' 'Lazer Gun'...
Okay so pretty much all of them, but in particular?
'Love Bomb'.
Eurgh it's so feel good and I know that Pharrell Williams tends to come off quite pretentious and arrogant and stuff just because he's a pretty boy who raps and gets around, but damn can the he create a gorgeous beat or two. Like, the Neptunes just make hit after hit.
And I can totally picture a montage of the Enterprise soaring through solar systems and past nebulas and all sorts of yummy crap, bringing peace and justice and xenophillic LOVE to the masses, to this song.

star trek, something..., beta sirius, music

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