I also wanted to put up the stuff that I've been messing with that isn't art course related. So obviously it's Star Trek related.
Hows about a few strange little sketches and ting?
I'll start with the rest of my 'Serious Sketches For Serious People' page or whatever I called it before. I found it out whilst looking for some inspiration with the BAT fic and thought, hey...I never posted this...for why?
Essentially destroyed my pens doing that, whyyyyyy? :s Just as I was growing to love them!
I need more pens, and I need to practice sketching like this more because I JUST CAN'T DO PEOPLE. And ST is blatantly the best way for me to learn how...duhhh.
Now for less serious occurances, to begin with, another Catliberating!Spock;
I struggle to get the eyebrows of Spock and Bones to cooperate with their hair, this needs to be rectified I suppose...
Look how Lurch ish Spock is, that's awesome, he looks so riddiculous.
And speaking of, here's another riddiculous Spock, in fact the entire picture is riddiculous. It made me laugh when I found it stuffed in my bedside drawer, helloooo 2am sketches.
LOOK AT SPOCK'S MASSIVE HEAD!!! I love it as much as I love Jim and who was going to be Chekov but got too feminine in the hips so turned into Uhura (why would Uhura get starry eyed over Jim being a douche? That's one of life's great mysteries). I don't really know what's going on with the Steeler's Wheels lyrics, but I can imagine Bones turning to Spock and thinking that.
Ah, aha I was rewatching 'The Apple' last night, and when Spock's all 'my name is Spock' and the natives are all 'Spock? HORF HORFHORF HORF' *sidesplit* you can totally see Bones hiding a smirk in the background. I like to imagine he's thinking ' My god, I could get used to these guys, they're on my wavelength...'
Finally, the most scariest thing I've done in a long time. SCARIEST. I feel no remorse, I did it and I found it funny and admittedly pretty much unbearable to look at but funny nonetheless.
Totally chose the first JK picture I could get my hands on, which wasn't right of me and totally made this more hideous than it needed to be, but...HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. GOD IT'S DISGUSTING AND BONES LOOKS RIDICULOUS AND JIM LOOKS LIKE A FREAK BUT I DON'T CARE.