duuh Oh Oh (chk-chka-chkaaahh)

Jan 14, 2011 01:04

Buzzed off of my face on nothing. I can't function properly tonight.
Let alone figure out the mysteries of being a competent interneter...but yes, a few things.
These are them.
Totally smug and proud of myself over making the 'Dan Brown Booty Soundtrack' Mixtape + Icons. Even if the actual gifting of the mixtape fell flat, I'm still happy as hell. I'd like to tribute all quote rights to the author of the fic it came from..which has come out all ambiguous and stupid but a) I'm terrified of the mystery ping and b) I can't even remember where it came from anyways...
I think it's mostly the icons that I'm beyond freaking pleased about though.


There were two playlists involved, and only one that is relevent to this; the actual booty soundtrack. Which is full of creepy, seducto songs that I like imagine Dan Brown getting down and nasty to. That man is blatantly a lady on the street but a freak in the sheets...
Oh no! I just realised what SHOULD be on there but isn't; 'I wanna sex you up' by...is it Boyz2Men? Or something, I'll check that out in a minute.
And maybe there oughta a be a bit of R Kelly...I don't think there is and I don't know why. :/
Well, anyway, I'd like to take back what I said about Drift/Downshift, which is as follows;
"It's like I don't even know the meaning of the word(s) half-measure -aside from the fact that I'm not bothering to make it downloadable/tell the author that I've read her story...-"
Lies. All of it pure lies. And apparently that's down to me accidentally 'Ping'ing, which I imagine I could be arrested for in some countries...so the use of an LJ User's name in a post leads to alerting them. Which makes me feel totally paranoid, but it's cool because GOOD things came of this numbskullery.
So I've entered the realms of zip files and uploads and links and Real People Fanmixes (all grown up :'3)
And now I have a magical link which is all mine to do with as I please; *bling* <-- the link to download 'Drift'.
Another link that I have which is totally not mine to do with as I please?
Read on.
I feel like there's something else that I'm meant to post, something of use (like THAT ever happens....)
Eh, nevermind.

dan brown = sex fiend, royal idiot, fanfic, fanmixes

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