It's a cold world out there, so stay in. Stay in.

Oct 03, 2010 20:52

So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so.
I still have so much crap backed up to note down here, and yet I just never log on. Spend all of my laptop time sorting out my course work and *reading fic. 
(*see feasting upon)
But I wanted to put up some dumb crap Ruth and I did yesterday so's I can't look back and fondly think of our weirdness :P.

Sally the llama met Gary the snail at Bikini bottom, he said "ow, it's stuck in my flies". she said "but I thought you liked mayonnaise..." He looked at her with concern and she tickled him under his chinny chin chin. The consequence was an absurd amount of dancing despite an inadequate supply of gin.
The Queen met Simon the tutor at the men's toilet and he said "more!" She replied "oh baby, it's not my fault you're so retarded..." He whipped off his trousers in an urgent hurry, knocking over the bottle of wine placed on the cupboard and she laughed until she cried. the consequence was several purchases consisting mostly of caramel shortcake bits and a wheely case they could both fit in.

Saskia met Barry Chuckle at John Lewis at Highcross. He said "oh, err, maybe we shouldn't talk about last night..." to which she replied "YEAH I FEEL LIKE DYNAMITE!" So he cha-chaed over to her, rose in teeth and she pulled his hair and chewed on his ear. As a consequence of this, they had a shotgun marriage in Las Vegas which lasted for 18 hours. Then she left him for a clown, called Jerry.
Laura met Barrack Obama at Cambridge, he said "stop it, don't do that that!" She said "Yeah left's do this more often!" So he lept up and kicked over his chair and she responded in an unsatisfactory manner. As a consequence of this, goats across the nation received a years supply of Ben and Jerry's Caramel Chew Chew. and he went to prison.

Yeah, that's about it really for that. Can't be bothered with Ruth's crappy poetry....
So um, been working hard at being a student and avoiding/embracing my Star Trek obsession. Got a quick website for ya'll; Texts From Last Night. The app for this wakes me up every morning along with my cereal and tea, and sometimes wishes me goodnight as well, it's fantastic and makes me realize how poor I am at being a Fresher. No matter though, this is simply a dry-run, I get to go through it all again next year, and boy am I going to be an awesome Fresher then!!


writing, star trek, uni, chris pine

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