You ate a whole wheel of cheese?! I'm not even mad, that's impressive!

Jul 07, 2010 12:50

So now for me to tell you what I love most in the world right now!
I was going to give you a fantastic clip from Money, a TV film that was on BBC2 a couple of months ago, but I can't, it doesn't exsist apparently. Rubbish. But I can give you a sample of the show;

image Click to view

The blond fella (Fielding Goodney) is the one I wanted to post about, he's fantastic. John Self (Nick Frost obvs) bursts into his hotel room to find him tied up and in the middle of role play with the Script Writer. Haha, he's calm as anything and just unties himself and they have a little chat like, "this is happening, but we're not going to talk about it...". But the bit I wanted to put up is when he cross dresses and beats John up in an alley way next to a strip club, then runs off. John finds him in his room, minus the wig but with make-up smeared all over his face and stumbling around in heels and a dress. Fielding's just all like 'Hi...:D'. Anyway, yeah, I can't describe it as well as I'd liked, but since I can't give you solid material, it'll just have to do...
I forgot to put up the pictures of Alan's present, so here it is. It took me so long, particularly to do the purple side, do you KNOW how detailed £20 notes are?! Jeez, seriously.

Double sided biyatch! Here's a bonus, that note is on top of my Psychology revision, done mere hours before the exam. Yeah that's right, a little context to put in your pipe.
Soooo, I been trawling the usual LJ haunts, and stumbled across this beast; Reparations by Saras_Girl yes kids, it's extensive. Extensive enough to have a sequal bigger than itself, a Podfic, a PDF and a Podbook. I share with you because I feel nothing but love today :P.
Plus if I ever lose the link, this is some badass safekeeping. I don't know why I don't do this more often O___o...
So yeah there's that, and this Hissyfit (apparently by twasadark) 
And this!  Black Coffee on a Lonely Night by Femmequixotic (whom I LOOOOVEE).
Yes, I know, I spoil you, but that's because you're my favourite (don't tell your sister) :P.

Here's a little something that makes me smile most wide.

image Click to view

I find myself once again hopelessly in love with Matthew Goode, yes yess, I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Because I am. So here's yet another pic fest.



Might have put that last one up before...but whatever, SCREW YOU I DON'T CARE. :P:PPP
And you wanna know another love of mine?
Professor Brian Cox! I know it's not conventional, but he makes me happy, I loved Wonders of the Solar System and know I'm dying for Wonders of the Universe. I'm so ready. Sum on Brian!!



Just love how it's all like 'Where's PBC today?! Ah Antartica, ah the Outback, ah the Sahara, ah Kentucky'. He get's everywhere, and you can tell that he really truly loves his job! So I love him :) (plus he's on twitter...shhhh).


 A snap of John James' face (on Big Brother :/) when Chaoime, Shabby and Josie flashed him through a window. It was so nice to see his eyebrows unknit. :P


professor brian cox, fanfic

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