His face looks like a gingerbiscuit...

Nov 10, 2009 18:02

I swear, Ciara is haunting me. She's in my alarms, my dreams, my T.V., my everything! O___O
So, PDP today (handily placed in my spare time ¬___¬) gave me inspiration for this post. We were studying University and Employment interviews and possible quiestions, and list of possible questions was so stellar that I thought; 'why not answer these...ON LJ?'
I even voiced this idea aloud to Mason. He gave the same crazy eyes that I was feeling.
So I'm going to take that as a "YESSS!", (even Ciara would approve I'm sure :D) and post up a couple just for sad-ass F.U.N-times.
(maybe even you could try it too? :D)

1. What are your skills? I can make English sound foreign? O____o

2. What are your weaknesses? That I don't ask enough questions? :P

3. What makes you laugh? People falling over. Stupid things. Animals. Old people. Jooookkkeeessss ¬______¬

4. How would your friends describe you? Small Angry Tree

5. Give 3 things to remember you by; ....Super. Awesome. Chick :PPP

6. Do you bond with all classes? NOW I wanted to put this question because I don't quite understand it...classes = lessons? Classes = social heirachy? Classes = of people?

7. Which newspaper(s) do you read? NONE D:<

8. What makes you angry? Too much pride and ego (taking yourself to seriously ¬___¬)

9. Give me an example of a task you really disliked doing; One night I got in at around 2:30 am. Mum was in bed and there was a massive (MASSIVE) spider on the stairs. I had to get my things from the living room and JUMP over the spider whilst running up and still try to stay silent. I disliked this task. 3:

10. Who do you find it difficult to work with? politicians, mainly their speeches. I find it difficult and very boring to work with politicians during speech analysis in English.

11. Tell me about yourself; I am hungry.

12. How much do you enjoy interveiws? |__| <-- This much.

13. Does sibling rivalry exsist? According to Mason. YES.

14. What would happen if everyone's thumbs dissappeared? mobiles would become inoperable. Thus the society would regress and we'd be living around camfires that spitroast boars, clubbing each other and dreaming of shampoo.

15.  Why are man-hole covers round? For the fat people. This applies the infantile theory, that a round peg will not fit in a square hole.

16. Why don't animals have wheels? Because the amount of energy required to power these wheels into action in order to catch prey is more trouble than its' worth. Perhaps there were once wheel bound animals (picture; Dinosaur), however, these animals struggled so much with motion and turning and starting and stopping that they failed to procreate before death. (Death through exhaustion, dehydration and starvation). Therefore they died out due natural selection doing it's thang.

17. Which biscuit/drink/kitchen utensil/piece of furniture/sandwich filling would best describe you? A vat of vegetable oil; you'll need to come back to me on that.

18. How would a cartoonist potray you? In the surrealist manner of cartoons.

19. How many lightbulbs are there in Britain? However many Britains it takes for them all to be changed.

20. Tell me a joke; a seal walks into a club.

21. Compose a limerick about yourself; There was a hungry girl called Tree.
She wanted to eat and for free.
She took out a pan and fried up a man.
Then went on a cannabilism spree.

22. Oppose an argument that you have just put forward; well, I suppose that many people would argue against Cannibalism. It's a very controversial topic that most humans would oppose. Is it morally just to consume a fellow human? Some people, however, feel that cannibalism would a succesful route to take in order to lower the threatening levels of population.

23. What's the French for 'gherkin'? GERR-KAN! (oh that's more Scottish...)

24. What epitaph would you like? something cheesy, like "should have gone to Specsavers".

25. What was the quetion that you didn't want to be asked? Basically, that one.

26. Give 10 uses for an elastic band; 1. to tie something up. 2. to cut off circulation. 3. to flick at people. 4. to excersise finger muscles. 5. to accumulate into a ball. 6. to play as a musical instrument. 7. to keep boxes closed. 8. to threaten. 9. to wear as a fashionable headband/wristband. 10. to kill.

I'm done :P.
No joke, I swear to OBAMA that 14 onwards were honest to blog questions, handed over by Mammers (beastly formy) on a school approved sheet. O___O

uni, me

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