no telegrams on tralfamadore

Sep 12, 2013 20:18

1. it is very windy tonight. that is probably bad in some respects, but i like hearing it woosh through the trees and across the water heater flue.

2. LIBRARIES. i get excited every time i go. they have all these books! and you can take them home with you! and then when you bring them back, you can get more! and it doesn't even cost any money! seriously, where else in the world can you do that? NOWHERE. the chatswood library is so fancy now. there's an automated book return that TALKS TO YOU. (it has an american accent which is odd.) and it feels so spacious. our library-within-walking-distance feels very squashy in comparison. also it has like eight of the check-your-own-books-out machines! our library only has one! sometimes if someone is using it i feel bad about waiting behind them instead of going to the counter. but i don't like having to talk to the librarians. most of them are not well-versed in customer service and act like it's a huge inconvenience to help you. hey remember when you used to get the due date stamped on a little card? and card catalogues! and how you couldn't borrow some of the reference books so you had to sit in the library and write notes for hours? actually i think some things are still like that. or at least they are in academic libraries. gah, i miss macquarie's library. and the journal access! if i imagine that tvtropes is to most people what jstor was to me then i sort of understand what all the fuss is about.

tl;dr fuck yeah, libraries!


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journal: happiness, journal: bibliophilic

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