all memes all the time! (don't worry. i go back to work tomorrow and will resume my customary desultory journalling habits.) this one is from
vjs2259: the first line of the first post from each month. i'm taking 'first line' to mean 'first sentence'. i'm also excluding entries where i've just posted a quote or a poem.
01 (this is the whole thing because there are no sentences. it's dreadful, but it's quite short.*)
anxiety panic fear perilous ponderous poison the artifice of the carapace shatter the breastplate sick stick slick innards outwards pounding drowning down further farther coil toil roil the edifice is ridiculous be quick with this be quick be quick with this this this
04 back into a corner, against a wall, the whole world shrinking.
01 i think there was a meme question once that asked you what you'd call your autobiography.
21 sometimes it's a kind of desperation.
02 so the thing about not having to worry about running out of sick leave because i can "buy" more leave was actually false advertising.
07 three nights ago i had a nightmare about seeing my psychiatrist (who i haven't seen in over a year).
14 so i did one of those accent/pronunciation memes that i stole from
04 A while ago I did the 30 days of asexuality meme and there was a question about asexual pride that I didn't really understand.
01 bob hicok breaks a lot of rules.
03 i wish microwaves came with options for different sounds, like phones.
03 i read this just now and i am crying.
01 i am sleepy all the time.
resolution for 2013: more interesting/less depressing first lines? stop beginning entries with "so"? be less crazy?
now it is time for my first nap of 2013!
*spot the black books reference!
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