Mar 21, 2010 09:03

my body has forgotten what it's like to wake up without pain, to go through a day where nothing hurts, to consume whatever it wants without suffering, to be completely unconcerned with itself.

yesterday i collected my new orthotics. despite being the same prescription as the last pair, they feel different. how can they be, when they're made exact and precise by machines? i don't know. i've been wearing my old orthotics for the last two weeks, the ones with a slightly lower arch, slightly less supination, and now i my feet, my ankles and knees, my hips and spine all have to learn a new way to walk. the muscles of my right foot cramp after the short walk to and from the library. my left foot always adjusts more quickly. i don't know why.

walk with a stone in your shoe until it stops hurting, until the stone becomes part of you, until the absence of the stone is what hurts.


inspired by a recent post of todayiamadaisy's, according to googlisms i am: the plot
an octopus
a terrible girl
delightfully surprising
available as a menu item
also available in horizontal version
sometimes recommended for indigestion
known to get booties shakin' with her eclectic collection of phat sexy house beats
though i really think the horizontal version is the default.


it's nearly the one year birthday of dreamwidth tree and i've decided to only allow commenting here from now on. i have a couple of invitations, if someone would like their own dreamwidth home. send me a message with your email address. the word please also wouldn't hurt.

if anyone is dreadfully offended by this decision, the option to remove me from your reading list is available to you, as ever.


and, finally.

dear autumn,

where is your weather? i've been waiting such a long time. please come soon.



This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth. If you feel inclined, comment there using OpenID.

journal: embodiment, inclined: meme, inclined: dw

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