Apr 26, 2014 08:02
Sooooo, where was I? It's been a terribly awful long time, my dears! (I like to imagine I'm talking to people, even if I'm not). Anyway! I have important news for you all! I'm engaged! This is incredibly exciting, as I've been waiting an awful long time for it. Okay, so maybe I only waited two years, but the whole time, I've been waiting! As my (now) fiance says, when describing the event to people, it sounds horrible, but the actual event was cutsey. I say even adorable.
So, for starters, I've started working on the farm with him, which is incredibly rewarding in itself. After a few months, and some other unreliable workers, his mother wanted to know if I wanted to be a replacement in case someone didn't show up for work, and I agreed. Okay, so six hours of walking across concrete floors coated in liquid cow manure in muck boots shouting and whistling at the top of your lungs is exhausting. Add to that an additional two hours of feeding baby calves, which sounds adorable, but also involves a lot of walking in muck boots, and also chasing loose calves. And there you have the day that my fiance proposed to me.
Since the weekend preceeding that week, my fiance had been taunting me that he had a "secret". This is usually enough to whip me up into a frenzy- the fact that this secret was obviously very expensive was enough to make me fall into a dribbling heap. My fiance likes giving me clues, though- not enough to let me even remotely guess what it could be, but possibly guess it's characteristics. For example, his were- "it could happen any time between next Friday and next Fall". "Think Bugs Bunny." and "It's against my better judgement." and then "It's smaller than an ironing board, but more expensive. I'm paying for it in installments."
I was already emotional at that point, and exhausted. I saw him looking at a picture of the thing on his phone, and even begged him to show it to me. Of course, he wouldn't, but kept teasing me. "You wanna know the secret?" "I wanna, I wanna!" "How's it feel to want?"
But eventually I tired of being teased with no progress, so I went to go make dinner, though I was obviously exhausted. I'm not sure if my beaten countenance finally persuaded him, or some little burst of whimsy on his part, but as I was washing my hands of hamburger, he came in and wrapped his arms around me. "Well, I wanted to wait, but...." He had been looking at something on his phone, and he turned it so I could see what it had been. And it was a beautiful ring.
And he asked.
And I cried and freaked out and said "yes" through all my "oh my god"s and sobbing.
It took him an hour to calm me down. His plan had been to take me to the park at the edge of town where you can see the lake and propose to me there, but apparently his mother (who he had tasked in picking out the ring) had bought the ring the instant he had asked. She didn't even go to a physical store (which she normally enjoys doing). She got onto the internet and found a motherfuckin' ring.
Thinking about it, I still cry and freak out a little bit. I'm engaged now, and we're going to be married soon! May of next year. And though wedding planning is a little stressful, what makes up for it is knowing that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with this man. He is all I have ever wanted, and I am grateful beyond measure. So <3 to my one and only love. This was for you.
ewww don't get that on me,