Only two pages of GC this week. :( (
And it updated early!) On the last stretch with the donation goods and just want to be done with that mutha.
2010 Resolutions, woooo.
I'm going into the new year with a lot more optimism than I did for this one, I'm excited to see what 2010 will bring.
-To be more self-disciplined.-
I surprised myself how many pages I've done this year compared to the year before. About 150 pages compared to 2008's 80-ish! I still think I can do more. I want to keep pushing myself.
For the longest time, way before GC and when I first began drawing it, I would think: "I'll draw when I want to" "I have to be in the mood" "After I do this" "After I beat this game" etc.
To be professional, I can't let these thoughts stop myself. I genuinely believe (and obviously haven't practiced in full yet) that deadlines need to be met no matter what. Sure, things outside my control can happen to make me miss them, but if I were goofing off and making excuses then that's just my fault.
2009, I really clamped down on this, but I still struggle with these thoughts. Later in the year I began to broadcast at while working and that helped tremendously! I used to finish a page and just feel done for the day, but when you finish a page early and there's still folks wanting to watch, it helped me get over that "dun'wanna" feeling and move on to the next.
I'm in the process of switching to my new iMac. I'm still working on my ancient and dying PC, but uninstalled all the now-useless software which means no broadcasting. I was whining about time as usual to Ms. Hunt, and she suggested to try the
Pomodoro technique. I read the e-book at the homepage. It makes a lot of sense to me, and in practice, works wonders! I will gush about it in a later post for sure.
Which leads to what this resolution is about! Self-discipline to stick with the pomodoro method! It's all too easy to not start the timer to work, and I want to work, darnit.
...Also to practice to work steadily even with less sleep. Seems like all pro artists can do this whether they like to or not.
-Stop being an internet wallflower!-
I know I haven't been blogging as much as I used to. I was devastated for most of the year because of the deaths of both of my harddrives (10 years of my life) at the end of 2008 and not being able to publish the FKMT anthology. I've finally gotten over that, but lately it's the feeling of "no time." But, this relates to being more self-disciplined. I want to post on my blog at least once a week. I would like to remake my website as part of this. I want a professional-looking clean slate to start the New Year. For offline--I want to attend cons and sell new books, meet readers, and talk with comickers face-to-face.
-Study Japanese again.-
I failed this 2009 resolution, but strangely, my listening comprehension improved. I also want to work on my speaking. I still have 0 skill in that.
Have another PASSION!-
With many thanks to Ms. Hunt, my new hobby is cooking. For all these years, I lived off of boxed or jarred food. It's fast and I never really cared. During this time, the only thing I ever made from complete scratch was cookies. It's only been 2 months and I've been experimenting with recipes; making my own things like pasta sauce and mac and cheese. Like comicking, cooking will take years to improve and just like comicking--I want to know everything NOW. (lol) I'm keeping a private cooking diary and looking forward to comparing my results by next year!
Happy New Year, everyone!