week two past

Sep 15, 2006 16:51

Sorry for the boring title, but I couldn't think of anything better :P

Anyway, week two was a lot less stressing than week one... Monday was frustrating, though, cause one of my teachers was ill, which meant I got there two hours too early -_- After the other class, I thought I had some meeting, moved from this friday, only to find out it's next monday, so I could've been home an hour earlier -_- I had tuesday off, though, which was nice ^_^

Wednesday was pretty much uneventful. Same for thursday, on which I only had one class and a workmeeting with my project group, for which I was two hours late, cause I missed my bus, twice... :-\ I also was a few minutes late for class, cause I had to get my password changed for the school's network. My laptop couldn't connect to it anymore with the old pass.

Today, I had the day off... Except that one in my projectgroup found it funny to plant a small meeting with one of our teachers at 1 -_- unfortunately, my bus-train connection doesn't allow me to be present 10 minutes in advance, so I sat there for a total of one hour, for a 15 minute meeting -_-

Got musical rehearsal again tonight. Should be fun :) Will edit it into this post when I get home :)

I'm playing another round of Starkingdoms, and managed to get myself promoted in my alliance within the week O.o I kept doing officer stuff on my own initiative :P I'm also sector leader this time ^_^ Which is fun, but also comes with a few extra tasks, like keeping some sector enhancements rolling... Still fun though :)
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