May 23, 2005 23:26
Man... so where to start...
I hope everyone's graduation/school ending has been going well.
I'm totally, genuinely happy right now. Nothing can stop me! WOo! haha!
I'm looking forward to next semester. I've been out of school so long already summer feels weird! It seems like everyone else is still in school! Huh! It's cool, though. Soon, very soon.
I'm not really sure if I like my job or not. I really like the experience I am getting with it, but sometimes I think it's not worth it. Especially when I hear "Dan, you're fucking awkward" all the time, mostly when I am bringing 4x7 sheets of drywall up some narrow-ass stairs to the 3rd floor of a Old Louisville (If that means anything to you) building. It's pretty awesome. Ugh.
I think in the long run that it'll all be worth it, and worse comes to worse I'll think of it purely as a character building summer.
This love thing. It's crazy, eh? Wow!
I'm feeling some Gavi's. It's time.
Brandon, videogames and pizza / hockey Tuesday night? Holler back. I ain't got no minutes!