May 06, 2005 17:06
Last cigarette: Ummm, quite some time.
Last car ride: 30 minutes ago.
Last good cry: A few weeks ago.
Last library book
checked out: Been a while.
Last movie seen: Hitchhikers!
Last beverage drank: RC Cherry
Last food consumed: Old pizza.
Last crush: Natalie!
Last phone call: Thomas Willett.
Last time showered: Yesterday after work. So, I'm dirty!
Last shoes worn: New Balance work shoes.
Last items bought: Movie tixxx.
Last disappointment: Gee, that's a good question.
Last shirt worn: A sweet picnic cowboy shirt. For work.
Last website: LJ, babes.
Last words you said: "ah man this is sweet."
What color socks are you wearing?: black.
What's under your bed? power strip, "packaging", books.
What time did you wake up
today? 10 something.
Who do you want to live with? The One.
What is your career going to be? High School Teacher, Historian, Artisan
Where are you going to live? All I know is that it's a place I've fully restored.
How many kids do you want? 2 or 3
What kind of car(s): Station wagon, totally.
Current mood: Ehh, I'm feeling a little sick. But I'm excited about seeing M'Lady tonight.
Current music: Whatever Ron is listening to in the other room. Some sweet rap.
Current hair: Short.
Current clothes: Dirty work clothes.
Current annoyance(s): Hungry Pelican.
Current desktop picture: Natalie being a gangsta with a unicorn.
Current book: The Unabomber.
Nervous Habits? Funny faces...
Are you double jointed? no.
Can you roll your tongue? yes
Can you raise one eyebrow? totally!
Can you blow spit bubbles? hells yeah.
Can you cross your eyes? yeah.
Tattoos? naw.
Piercings? I once had my ears pierced.
Do you make your bed daily? yeah, pretty much... now.
Which shoe goes on first? Left.
Favorite piece of clothing? Gosh, one of my sweaters or trackjackets, of course.
Do you twirl your
spaghetti or cut it? Swirl.
Have you ever eaten Spam? no.
Favorite ice
cream flavor? mint chocolate chip
How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? like 3-4.
What's your favorite beverage? Orange pop.
What's your favorite restaurant? Doi! SKYLINE....
Do you cook? Hells yeah I do.
How often do you brush your teeth? twice a day.
What is your hair drying method? Air.
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair/what color? Man, it's been so many lame colors. It's au natural now.
Do you swear? Hells yeah. Not too often. Sometimes.
Do you ever spit? When I'm chewing tobacci.
Animal? Kittens.
Food? Cincinnati style chili... pizza.
Month? October?
Day? Thursday.
Favorite Cartoon Character? Gee, good question.
Shoe Brand? I like my Asics.
_T or F._
You cook your own dinner: T
Your parents still give you money for things: T.. sometimes.
You walk around barefoot indoors most of the time: T
Your first car was new: F
You're completely broke right now: F
You spend your money wisely: F
Man... that wasn't even that awesome. Crap!
Off to work.... wooo!
Tomorrow! BBQ! Everyone!