Well bunch of stuff happened but everytime i got to write it all LJ
decides to have a fit and run through turbulence updating my entry and
it all gets deleted...and needless to say it really pisses me off! To
make things easier for me ill just bullet stuff....
- Cathy is amazing
- Mars Volta concert...cant wait to bust my volta cherry
- PHS Battle I will be performing in my prom tux, i have to come
directly from Cathys prom, play, then go directly back.....its going to
be an interesting, busy night.
- NHTI Battle is one month from the 27th and everyone better get in
touch with Me (Trebla311) Ryan (Shokknterror) Adam (Im Babbaganouch ,
Colderthanyou85) Jesse (Toolboy1015) or Evan (Puya209) there is no
excuse if you can not make it. This warning is well in advance...we
NEED your support more than we ever have...Usually we are known through
are town but we are new comers to this one and we need a fanbase so
PLEASE!!! Make sure your there!! We can carpool and travel all together
we need every last person we can this is very important to us!!
- ALOAO is now looking for a new band name becuase the one we have
now is almost embarrassing for us the utter to other people...any ideas
post em!
Thats about tit if I think of anything else ill post some more shit....Peace