Jul 05, 2005 13:12
Tuesday is a rainy day this week. It's about time. We needed some rain. And I've been a huge procrastinator. Tons of stuff I should be doing, like working on the prayer letter/update letter and namestorming for people I need to contact for support raising. I think I thrive under pressure. When there's no pressure I just laze about doing as I please. Such poor work ethic. But I've got some of the letter done.
Oh well. I'm feeling very...lonely I think. All my girl friends are far, far away. Elisha's in the Dominican, Reegs just left for Florida, Shereen's up north at the army camp place thing, Amanda's in the Soo, Tamsin's in the Sauga, but she doesn't have a car and works lots...but hopefully we can see each other. It's good we're going to see our small group tomorrow cuz I miss hanging out with girls.
Sometimes I feel like such a loser. But I know that's just because I'm seeking my identity in others and not remembering that I am a cherished, chosen daughter of the King! I need to constantly remember that and keep laying my life down at his feet for what HE wants to do with it and let Him change me and mold me to who He wants me to be because that Vanessa is a far more beautiful and likeable Vanessa than I could ever force myself to be.
Whew...blogging can be so therapeutic.