Apr 21, 2005 00:32
I only have 3 shifts left at work and I would like nothing more than to just call in sick all three days, but of course I won't. It's not that I don't like the people it just seems that my time at this point so close to leaving for Africa could be spent so much better. I guess bringing in some dough is somewhat profitable so I guess I'll stick it out.
Yesterday I received the official acceptance as staff with Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada. Wow. I'm really in this now. I feel relieved to have that official "yay" before I leave for Tanzania but I step out with some aprehension but knowing that it is Christ going to be doing the life change, not me. I anticipate tons of growth, learning, trials, challenges but I look towards them knowing beyond a doubt that this is where God has called me and so I will follow Him in faith and eager expectation.
Didn't get too much done Tanzania-wise except place a prescription for our malaria pills which come in tomorrow even though I think we needed to have started them today. Oops. I guess that's just us, though. Leave it to the last minute and more if we can.
Arg, there is so much going on in the next few days and I just am a bit overwhelmed as I feel like I almost don't even know where to start.
I think I'm going to get offline, spend some time in the Word and go to sleep!