End of Season 3 Drabble Ficathon

Jun 28, 2009 17:00

Well, we've come to the end of season 3 (*sniff*). I think this calls for a ficathon! I'm going to give you drabble prompts, because I like the immediacy of drabbles and it makes it easy to read lots at once :) But if you have longer fic ideas, of course those are always welcome here!

End of Season 3 Drabble Ficathon

Your prompts are as follows...

1) What happens next? - tell us what happens after the close of 3x13!


2) Rewrite - didn't like something about 3x13? Well rewrite a snippet!

As always with drabbles, a large part of the challenge is to fit in everything you want to in only 100 words - good luck! This is all just for fun, so no competition. Vent your frustrations and angst here :)

Please tag your drabbles with 'end of s3 ficathon'.

Please also make sure any references to spoilers are cut, and post the drabbles themselves behind a cut. Readers, NB, this post and any to do with the ficathon may contain finale spoilers!

end of s3 ficathon, rules, mod

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