Episode Four - Sins of the Father

Apr 18, 2009 21:49

Obviously not going to be as good as the fantasmic Rochvelleth's, but yanno, keeps me happy.

To begin at the beginning, how are the plans they come up with always so damn cool? Three cheers for the writers I think, I’d love to write a fic with a good plan in it but I can never flaming think of anything!

I also laughed at how they only just noticed that Gisbourne wasn’t there any more! How much time has actually passed since the Sheriff sent him off?

And is it just me that’s noticing Much being a little on the um… useless.. side, when fighting one-on-one? In 3x01 Gisbourne took him out straight away, and in this one Rufus got the better of him. Still doing well in the group fights though, loved “Let me at them Much!” “I’m trying, I’m trying!”

I think it was also good to see someone actually leaving their family behind to join the group; Marian only came into the forest after Edward died, and John’s family were the ones to leave him. To see an actual goodbye was good, it brought in more of the realism - as much as outlawism is filled with excitement and adventure and really wild things, there’s other stuff that has to be given up too.

Allan and Kate - I am rather loving the banter between them. Funny actually, no sooner did I look at the lovely Rochvelleth’s review of last weeks ep and say that Allan does seem to be good at letting the other guys get the girl when he starts insult-flirting with Kate! The manwhore. Also, with regards to “[…] some drunken girl making it better.” “Funny you should say that-” am I dimwitted and haven’t realised something obvious about what that’s about, or is it something we don’t know about yet?

Much and Kate - how sweet of him to be all happy about Kate saying the gang was legendary. I think this thing’s kinda bittersweet, because Much is being considerably adorable but at the same time you can just tell it’s not going to happen.

And finally, “Not as if we need another girl around here, we’ve got Much” was of course funny, strikes me as being a little bit back to the old Allan/Much relationship. Hope they aren’t going to slip back into that just when we were all enjoying them so much! Maybe their closeness comes from both of them kind’ve having lost their best friends? Robin and Much aren’t as close since the Holy Land, and Will’s stayed behind so Allan doesn’t have him any more. Hmm.. *possible plot bunnies*

3x04, reviews

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