TMR Christmas Ficathon - the Winners!

Jan 13, 2008 15:11

Well, I want to thank everyone who participated in the Treat Much Right Christmas Ficathon, whether you entered the competition or not, or just got involved by reading the stories and voting in the competition. I think we've all done Much proud!

I very much hope to organise another ficathon at some point. I know some RH communities have much less activity in the long gap between series (it's too long to wait, BBC!), but we love Much all year round, don't we? :) It may take a while to organise another one, but it will definitely happen, I promise.

I'd also like to thank the wonderful sweet people who sent me GWS wishes. I'm so pleased that the TMRC now has such a sense of community :)

OK, I've talked too much now, haven't I? Because what you really want to know is...


We had nine amazing entries for the Ficathon Competition, and I am sure everyone who voted found it very difficult to choose their favourites, as I did. But the voting has done itw work now, and I can announce that the results are as follows. Prizes are going to the top three in each category.

Best Fic

First Place with 5 votes is 'Portsmouth - 1192' by lil_banik_slave

Joint Second Place with 3 votes each are 'Running Down' by adia313 and 'Put the darkness from your thinking' by clanne

Best Challenge Response

First Place with 5 votes is 'Put the darkness from your thinking' by clanne

Second Place with 4 votes is 'The Knot' by sophieisgod

Third place with 3 votes is 'Run run' by fyrethief

(voting can be witnessed here - but please don't anyone add any more votes!)

I want to say a big congratulations to the winners. You'll be getting special banners, but it might take me a little while to make them due to current illness and PhD - but I promise you'll get them eventually. For now, busy yourself by glowing with peer-reinforced pride in your writing skills.


I also have to announce that nobody, thankfully, thinks ficathons smell. And what won out in the tickyboxes, thankfully, was our very own motto...

Treat Much Right!

ficathon, mod, news

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