Title: Mother's Day
Author: robinfanatic
Characters: Much, OFC
Rating: G
Words: 378
Summary: Much's mum remembers a favorite mother's day
A/N: Written for a
hoodland challenge.
That mum's day is comin' up again but I fear I won't be 'ere for my boys that long. I was glad of the last one.
He was just four was my Much. Big blue eyes made y'ur 'eart want to sing - they was just like 'is dad's. Sniff. Just lost 'im, I did. Fever took 'im. It 'appened so quick like and I shouldna complain seein' that Mary Baker 'as no 'usband and four mouths to feed. I just 'ad Much and his l'il brother to care for.
But I didn't know what I was to do.
Poor l'il Much could tell somefin' was wrong. 'is Dad not comin' home. Me all sad and w'ot, sittin' and starin' at the door.
Matthew started to cry. Much went an' picked 'im up and rocked 'im in 'is arms. Then I was cryin' me'self watchin' 'ow good he was wif his brother. So gentle. Such a kind l'il soul.
Much brought Matthew o'er to me and 'e looked up at me with them eyes and said, "Don't cry, Mum. I can't rock you."
"It's all right, Much," I says.
I pulled my boy into my lap while 'e kept 'oldin' onto Matthew and we swayed back 'n forth. Matthew calmed just a bit - he was a'whimperin' then - the little bugger liked 'ow his brother 'eld on to 'im. Shows me that Much has a special touch - the Much touch I say! 'e can brighten any ol' day, always helpin' out.
So my cheeks was wet with tears and that Much, he run his thumb 'cross my face and wiped them tears away. 'e leaned closer, nestlin' his 'ead against me shoulder and all of a sudden he just burst into song, 'e did!
Sing loud and clear
It's Mum's special day
Let her know she is dear
Bring her flowers if you may.
Sing her a song
Sing loud and clear
She'll love you forever
When you bring her cheer.
Now if that wouldna make ya' cry Much's l'il voice certainly would. But 'e sang with such 'eart...and so much love. I kissed 'im and Matthew and 'ugged 'em both so tight. Matthew smiled.
"Sing that mum's song again, Much," I says as he's sittin' next to my bed and wipin' my brow. "Sing for me, love, before I sleep."