Fic: Reflections

Mar 01, 2010 13:27

Now that the Intercomm challenge is over, I thought I might post my only Much fic (so far) here, especially since I still feel terrible about not posting anything here for Intercomm.

Title: Reflections
Author: roh_wyn
Rating: PG
Summary: Much has an encounter with a very special mirror
Notes: Originally written for "The Mirror of Erised" challenge at hoodland. You all must be sick of all the mirror fics by now, lol.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: BBC and Tiger Aspect own everything, much to my chagrin.

The mirror shows a man what he desires, so it is not surprising that when Much first looks in the mirror, he sees a table laden with food. There is a roast-the largest he has ever seen-new fruit, freshly baked bread. Much’s mouth waters at the sight, for he is a hungry man, and has been for a very long time.

But as he tries to reach out and touch the food, the table fades. The mirror now shows the outline of a woman, for Much’s hunger is not for food alone, after all. For as long as he can remember, he has ached for companionship, for basic human contact, in almost the same way that his stomach hungers for food. He can’t quite see the woman’s face, but she seems happy and kind, and that is enough for Much, because what else should a woman really be?

He’s content with what he sees, thinking he has everything he could possibly want, when another shape resolves itself in the background. It is Robin, laughing and looking just as he did in their carefree youth in Locksley. This does not surprise Much, because beyond anything, he desires Robin. It is not a carnal desire, not necessarily, but the desire to be known and acknowledged and understood, and Robin is the only one who can fulfill these desires.

But Robin is not alone in the mirror. He’s reaching out to someone, an apparition. Much can just barely make out a maidenly hand and dark silken tresses in the mirror. But as the hand takes his master’s own, Robin’s face breaks out in a smile more brilliant than Much has ever seen. This, then, is Much’s true desire. Not just Robin, but a Robin whose life is filled with unalloyed happiness. To see this one desire come to fruition, Much will gladly bear the worst of insults and the most terrible of slights. For he is a hungry man, not a selfish one.

Mods: Is "fic" the only appropriate tag? Sorry if there are others I missed!

fic, roh_wyn

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