Title: Symphony
robinfanatic Pairing: Much/Eve
Rating: PG-13
Words: 169
Genre: het, romance
Disclaimer: BBC & TA own; I just want to play in their universe
Notes: Written for the rh_intercomm Challenge. Takes place during 1x09, A Thing or Two About Loyalty
Summary: There are other ways to sing...
by robinfanatic
"My Lord?"
"Wha--?" Much asked sleepily.
"It's Eve, my Lord."
Much blinked his eyes open. He hadn't been dreaming after all. "Is it morning?"
"No, not yet." She curled into his body. "But I should go... before the others wake."
Much stroked her hair. He nuzzled his face against her shoulder then lightly kissed her. "Don't tell me this night has ended."
"If I had my way, the sun might never rise. I would lay in your arms forever and have you sing me a song."
"But in the bath last night you said my voice was terrible," he reminded her with a smile.
"And it is! But it comes from your heart," she said, turning her face toward his. "And it passes the sweetest lips, lips that take my breath away. Will you sing for me, Much?"
Much brushed Eve's lips with a tender kiss. Another. She pulled him close 'til their bodies became one. Quiet moans and rasping breaths were a beautiful symphony that greeted the dawn.