TMR Day fic: The Greatest Gift

Jan 01, 2010 14:40

Title: The Greatest Gift
Author: wastingyourgum 
Characters/Pairings: Robin, Much
Rating: PG
Genre: General, Friendship
Warnings: None
Words: 1326
Disclaimer: BBC & TA own anything you may find familiar.
Notes: For TMR day! Takes place Pre-S1 in the Holy Land. beta'd by the lovely robinfanatic

The Greatest Gift
by wastingyourgum

"Master? Master, can you hear me?"

There had been blurred shapes and muffled sounds before but this was the first thing Robin could remember hearing clearly.

Much... Robin's mouth opened to respond but his throat was so dry only a faint rasping breath escaped him.

"Here." He felt Much's strong arm under his back lifting him up and then there was beautiful, cool water at his lips. To his dry throat it tasted as good as the finest wine.

"Much..." It was still barely a whisper but Much was so close he heard it.

"Yes, Master. I'm here." Much's voice cracked slightly giving Robin his first clue as to just how ill he'd been.

"Where--?" Robin forced his eyes open. The room was lit only by soft candlelight but it still seemed unnaturally bright after so long in the darkness.

"You're in the Crac des Chevaliers, Master, near Tripoli. The King sent you here after you were wounded so the Hospitallers could look after you."

"The King--!" Robin started from his bed in alarm but a sudden stab of pain made him gasp and lie still again in Much's arms.

"- is perfectly safe, Master! You saved his life." Much gently laid him back into the bed and soothed him. "The assassins escaped but they failed to even get near him. Now you must rest."

Much's previous words finally sank in. "Tripoli?" Robin croaked.

"Yes, Master."

"How long?"

"You've been very ill, Master," Much said, evasively.

"Much," Robin said, sternly. "How long?"

Much sighed. "It's nearly the end of the year, Master. You have just missed Christmas. The New Year is in five days time."

"Christmas..." Months. Months have passed while the world has gone on without him.

"You must rest, Master. I'll let them know you woke up but you should get some more sleep."

More sleep? And wake up again when - Easter?

Robin tried to fight the weight of his eyelids but the world slipped away from him once more...


Robin woke briefly several times over the next few days and each time Much was there with more water or some broth. When he woke for what he thought was the fourth or fifth time he could sense a definite change in himself. Early morning sunlight was streaming in through the window and a fresh breeze carried scents on the air that spoke of a world waiting to be rediscovered. Robin felt truly alive again.

He sat up carefully and inspected the jagged scar down his side. It must have needed near constant attention to keep it clean and make sure it healed properly. He must have been fed and bathed while unconscious. He must have been well looked after.

Much was beside him as always, but for now he was curled on his thin pallet on the floor, still asleep. Robin looked at him with a great surge of love. He'd been treading a fine path through the Valley of the Shadow of Death for months and he didn't doubt that Much had barely left his side in all that time.

How do you repay that? Robin thought. What can you possibly give a man who has given himself up completely to put your needs above all else? The only thing that can repay a life is another life.

Robin smiled. Should they ever find themselves in battle again he would gladly give his life for Much but he could think of another life he could give with even more ease...


"You really should go back to bed, Master. You've only been up for a few days. You're still weak," Much chided him.

"I know Much, but this is a special moment. I didn't want to miss it."

They stood at one of the highest points of the battlements gazing out across the Akkar Gap. Robin leaned against the wall, catching his breath as he glanced up at the bright cloudless sky above them. The night air was cool and refreshing and the whole of the heavens stretched from horizon to horizon in a glittering tapestry of stars.

Much fiddled with the thick cloak around Robin's shoulders making sure it was well secured. "Master, I--"

"Sh!" Robin stilled him and moments later they heard the faint chiming of the chapel bell calling the monks to Matins and signalling the start of the new day - the first day of January. Far below them in the outer ward they could hear the drunken shouts of some of the soldiers and laymen of the Crac greeting the New Year.

"Happy New Year, Much." Robin held out his hand and when Much took it, pulled him into a warm embrace.

"Happy New Year, Master!" Much was breathlessly surprised by the gesture and smiled shyly before dropping his gaze to the men below once more.

Robin took a deep breath. "Much?"

"Yes, Master?"

"I...I want to give you something but I missed Christmas and I don't know when your birthday is..."

"Neither do I!" Much said, with that sad little smile Robin loved so much.

"Well, I thought New Year's Day would be as good a day as any... so here." Robin reached down to the sacking at his feet that he'd arranged to be waiting here for them. He uncovered a beautifully decorated round shield. Much recognised it immediately - he'd polished it enough times.

"Your shield? Master, I can't take this. You need it."

"No Much, I hardly ever use it. I prefer just using my sword and it gets in the way when I'm firing my bow. It will suit your style of fighting much better. Anyway the present is not just the shield - look at the back of it..."

Much turned the shield in his hands, the moonlight high above reflecting back off it into his face, lighting his wide blue eyes with silver.

"I can't see anything."

"Yes you can. Tell me what you see..."

"There's nothing there, Master - just my reflection."

Robin grinned. "That's your other present."

"My reflection?" Much was completely lost.

"No Much, you! I'm giving you you."


"You are my serf no longer, Much. You're a free man. In fact, I'm giving you the lodge at Bonchurch - it's in my demesne as Lord of Locksley. I'll have it made official as soon as we get back home. It is the very least you deserve for your service to me - no man ever had a more loyal servant or a truer friend. I would be dead many times over were it not for you."

For practically the first time ever in the long years he had known him, Robin saw Much rendered speechless. His mouth opened and closed but nothing came out.

"Well, say something then!" Robin prompted with a laugh.

"Just the shield would have been fine, Master..." Much said, faintly.

Robin laughed, wrapped his arm around Much's neck and kissed his cheek. "You are the only shield I will ever need, Much. Happy New Year! Happy new you!"

"Happy New Year, Master...and thank you!"

"Master?" Robin raised his eyebrows at him.

"Robin. Happy New Year...Robin." Much said still shaking his head in disbelief. "That'll take some getting used to."

"I'm sure when we're both sitting in a nice warm bath at Locksley, with a leg of pork and a glass of wine, maybe an attractive maid or two to scrub our backs..." Robin nudged Much in the ribs, chuckling at the blush that last remark produced. "I'm sure it'll come as easy to you as falling off a log."

Much laughed. "Now why would I find myself sitting on or climbing logs if I'm Lord of a manor, Master?"

"That is a very good point, Milord Bonchurch." Robin picked up a bottle of wine and two cups and then to Much's continued amazement his Master - former Master, poured him a drink.

"Here's to 1192, Much! I'm sure it'll be our best year ever!"


A/N: Happy New Year and Happy TMR Day everyone!

fic, tmr day, wastingyourgum

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