Title: Pheasant Stew
rochvellethCharacters: Much, Djaq, Robin, Allan
Rating: PG
Notes: Inspired my Much angst, yet again, and by a comment to my last post. No spoilers. Comments very much appreciated.
Disclaimer: I do own Much, I do!
Pheasant Stew
“That smells nice,” Djaq said, hovering close to the campfire.
“Just a stew,” Much said gloomily. He looked over to where Robin was engaged in conversation with Allan.
“Rabbit?” Djaq asked, sniffing the pot.
“Pheasant, actually. It used to be Robin’s favourite, pheasant stew.”
Robin clapped Allan on the back and laughed heartily. The source of their shared joke was not apparent. Much watched them from a distance.
Suddenly, Djaq put a gentle hand on Much’s shoulder. “He does appreciate you, you know. He will remember it.”
Much looked into Djaq’s eyes, alarmed that she could have read his thoughts.