Dancehopefairy's Season 4

Aug 23, 2009 13:35

Hello, this is Rochvelleth :) I just wanted to help dancehopefairy out by re-posting her season 4 without the underlining, so it's easier for you to read.

Introductory text )

dancehopefairy, season 4 competition

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shaman_whore August 26 2009, 01:07:59 UTC
mrow, why would the other blame Will and Djaq? silly people. Ooh, a mystery archer eh? Interesting! With a poisoned arrow as well! Sneaky. *le gasp* Nicholae! You fiend! Wh- the camp? Nooooooooooo!! Will worked so hard!
Naww, yay for clever Loki going to find Archer. whoops, went through that whole ep without commenting, almost! was very good though, and the ending was sweet.
A cave, bet Much isn't happy! As if that day wouldn't be hard enough for him as it is. Sounds like Will's done a good job of it though! Much is staring into the distance. Sad!Much? *cuddles* Ooh, good idea on that guy's history with Guillame. Aww, Allan. And Roy... nice ending.
haha Clorinda being a little too happy about Archer getting hurt made me laugh. Aww, the Archer/Clorinda-ness is sweet. Haha, I don't know if it was supposed to but the fact that Gwyneth calls guards after she sees Archer in the company of three other women made me laugh! Eve!
Nice touch on the gang's lies backfiring on them. Eep on them all splitting up, I'd be interested to know what was said between them all though! Much and Eve are so sweet ^-^ but gahh, want them to be together properly! Yay for Archer coming clean and getting the peasants on side, and I love the ending!
PREGNANT DJAQ!! *epic grin* that's the first thing I thought of upon her being 'unwell' :D Honey! Massive win for the private joke there!!
Haha oh dear, not witch suspicions, poor Clorinda! And I'm liking the conflict between the girls. And hurrah for more peoeple joining the fight on the way to Nottingham (I'm combining comments for 12/13)! I'm glad that Clorinda's going back :) and that she'll be able to warn the gang of the trap (hopefully). Oooh great ending/cliffhanger!
I really liked Clorinda, it was nice to have a bit of a change, especially as the series three writers so over-did it with Kate! Prince of Theives is good in some ways and bad in others (such as an American Robin Hood - really, what?), but Alan Rickman is excellent in it and I'd totally reccomend seeing if if you get the chance.

Yay, it took me ages but I've finished reading! Big well done on this, I really enjoyed it, and it's an especially fantastic effort for a newbie and someone for whom english isn't a first language! Great work, be proud :) xxx


dancehopefairy August 27 2009, 21:54:48 UTC
I don't think the others necessarily blame Will and Djaq (though deep inside they might secretly think they should have been there), but I imagine Will and Djaq, especially Will, might feel a little guilty and weird around the others.
The Nicolae bit, the pact thing sort of came out of nowhere didn't it.Maybe i should have put a scene in where he stole it, and in hindsight i should have made the reasons Clorinda stays a little more clear.

'Much is staring into the distance. Sad!Much?'
Robin's birthday would be such a loaded day for all of them, but especially Much. He probably has many memories of birthdays with robin. I just realised i haven't mentioned Gisborne in the entire season :(

Glad you thought Gwyneth calling the guards after seeing Archer with three woman was funny.That was what i was going for :)

In hindsight (again..) i think i might have made more of the Djaq pregnant thing, might have been a nice storyline for them, instead of resolving it so quickly (it's just hard to imagine them arguing for long, they're so sweet together)and maybe Clorinda and Ivanhoe should have stayed outside to help the gang, since her leaving them and coming back didn't seem to add a lot this way except.
I don't know if you've ever seen/read Ivanhoe (in unrelated news) but I saw the movie a few days ago, and I secretly wished Ivanhoe had married Rebecca instead of Rowena. Maybe I should have written Rebecca in my series since she lived in York mmh..

Okay sorry back on topic, I've been wanting to see'the prince of thieves' for a while now, hoefully one of these days.

Thanks for your nice comments,enjoyed reading them. :)


shaman_whore August 27 2009, 23:00:07 UTC
Oh no that is what I meant, that Will and Djaq would be the silly ones for thinking the others would blame them! I do get that though, that they might feel that way, even if they shouldn't! I think the Nicolae thing was a nice unexpected twist, but you could always put a little lead up to it in if you write the series up properly.
I just realised i haven't mentioned Gisborne in the entire season :( Hehe, whoops! To be fair though, the gang would be missing Robin for all the obvious reasons, but none of them would really miss Guyy that much would they, so it would make sense for him not to be mentioned as much.
With regards to the hindsight thing, I think that's the trouble probably all of us had, once its finished and posted it's quite easy to think 'oh I wish I'd done it this way' or whatever. But it comes down to wordcount really, there simply wasn't room to get every detail in, but it's probably a good thing - if we didn't have a limit we'd have been writing out every little idea and our work would have become more story- than synopsis-like, it wouldn't have been as focused and made us work as hard to get everything concise (plus it would've taken even longer to read!). Put simply, it's a shame we couldn't get everthing we might've wanted to in, but I'm sure everyone understands, and it's probably for the best!
It might've been a good storline for Will and Djaq, but like you said, it is pretty hard to imagine them arguing for very long, so it makes sense for them to make up so quickly.
Haven't seen/read Ivvanhoe I'm afraid!

You're welcome, it was a lovely read! And I'm quite the comment/review whore so I always try to leave other people nice long ones :) xx


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