Intercomm Results!

Mar 09, 2010 20:14

Thank you once again to everyone who wrote, commented on and voted for all the wonderful fic written for TLJR during Intercomm. We had an incredibly high standard of writing - a fact reflected by how close the voting was!

Little John is very happy with all the attention. No, really - that's his happy face...

Anyway, without further ado, here are the results from the TLJR voters...

First Place: "Answers", robinfanatic
Second Place: "Misunderstood", omteddy2006

First Place: "Weaponry", ladylovelace

First Place: "A New Man", wastingyourgum
First Place: "Tunnel of Love", wastingyourgum
(This was by far the closest category - second place was a tie between the other two entries on just one fewer vote!)

First Place: "My Father, the Hero", wastingyourgum
Second Place: "Appreciation", omteddy2006

Many congratulations to all our winners! Shiny banners of win-dom (courtesy of the fabulous ladylovelace) will be posted here shortly for you to cherish as your very own!

All the first place winners will now go forward to meet the first place winners from the other comms in the final round of voting at Intercomm to find our overall category winners. Look out for an announcement here and on rh_intercomm  and head on over to cast your votes when it appears...


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