Title: Shades
railiseWord Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Vaizey
Warnings: This went quite dark, when it was initially meant to be cracky.
Disclaimer: I claim no rights toward the show Robin Hood or the characters portrayed therein, and mean no infringement by my little tale.
Notes: For
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When Vaizey overheard guards whispering of eerie sights and sounds, he saw to it that those men were given gruelling tasks to do, since clearly they had too much free time if they were imagining things.
That was what he said, anyway. It would hardly do to admit that he also saw shades everywhere, and heard them constantly. Even he knew it was abnormal that nothing coaxed him to sleep more effectively than their translucent, twisted faces and agonized screams.
But, normalcy was for peasants; he was proud to be beyond it, and revelled in the shadowed proof of that.