Title: Gisborne and the Brain
Author: Rochvelleth
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Gisborne, Vaizey
Spoilers/Warnings: A bit cracky
Summary: Cracky reference to a certain cartoon.
Disclaimer: I don't own them :(
Guy cast a bitter glance out of the Sheriff’s window, where the sun’s first rays were only just beginning to pick out the details of Nottingham’s houses. He cleared his throat to make sure his master knew he was waiting.
“I hope you’re ready, Gisborne,” Vaizey said, swinging round on his new chair, which was craftily mounted on a polished quern-stone so that it could turn, and drumming his fingers on the desk.
“Why, what are we going to do today?”
Vaizey ignored Guy’s unenthusiastic tones. “The same thing we do every day, Gisborne. Try to take over the forest!”