Slashfest Tagging Reminder

Feb 27, 2012 06:05

Hi Everyone!

First, we would like to say how wonderful it was to see such a positive response to our first Slashfest! We were overwhelmed by the number of fics, pics, and even videos that were submitted. Very soon, we will begin cataloguing the works, posting a master list with the links to everyone’s work. Before we do so, to make it easier on our cataloguers and to ensure no one’s work gets left out, we wanted to send out a reminder.

1.       1.  All works must be tagged with “Slashfest 2012"

2.       2.  All works must have been originally posted in robinhoodslash

We will be going through robinhoodslash and looking for those tagged works. Therefore, if your work is not properly tagged or not posted in robinhoodslash, please rectify that. We will begin cataloguing on March 5, so please have your work properly tagged and situated by then. If you have any questions, please contact sunnyday30 or whytewytch4.

Lastly, if you have any suggestions for next year, please either comment here or contact one of us via PM or email.

Thank you!

slashfest 2012

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