Drabble: Hazard

Feb 28, 2011 22:35

Title: Hazard
Author: mideltone_one
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Allan, Guy
Spoilers/Warnings: Implied slash
Summary: Allan’s cheating catches up with him
Disclaimer:The Robin Hood characters written about here belong to Tiger Aspect and the British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended nor is any money being made. I don't own them - if I did I'd be too busy drooling to write! All mistakes are mine.

Guy placed the dice on the table. "Your luck at hazard precedes you, Allan A Dale," he said, "but this time, for a change, you'll be playing with unfixed dice."

Allan tugged at his collar nervously, suddenly realising that, like all the people he'd cheated before, he wouldn't know how the numbers would fall, until they did. However, that wasn't his main concern. "I ain't go no money," he said cautiously, "so what would I be stakin'?"

Guy's grin widened, as he sat facing the thief. "Well," he said, "as you have no coin, you'll have to bet your clothes!"

rating: g, cat: comedy, cat: drabble (100 words), char: allan, intercomm2011, author: mideltoneone, char: guy

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